IPOB Explains Reason For Attacking Igbo Leaders, Appologises

The Indigenous People of Biafra on Thursday explained why its members attacked Igbo leaders at a rally in Enugu on Tuesday, offering apologies for the incident.

The group also said it was averse to the philosophies of the late pioneer president of Nigeria, Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe.

In a statement made available to our correspondent in Awka, Anambra State, by IPOB’s Media and Publicity Secretary, Emma Powerful, the group accused the late Azikiwe of causing the problems of the Igbo in Nigeria.

It said the late former president was “patriotic to a fault,” an attribute it maintained worked against Igbo interest.

The group said Azikiwe’s attitude “brought untold shame, misery and consumed over three million Biafran lives and still doing so till today.”

The group noted that if the late Azikiwe had behaved like some of his contemporaries, Biafra would have been an independent country by now.

Powerful, in the statement, apologised to Igbo leaders who were allegedly molested by some Biafra agitators in Enugu on Tuesday.

“The statement partly read,” The leadership and family members of the Indigenous People of Biafra worldwide wish to clarify the events that took place at Eastern Consultative Assembly gathering in Enugu on Tuesday.

“It’s is regrettable and unfortunate under the circumstance because it happened in the presence of the two most distinguished and respected elder statesmen we have in Prof. Ben Nwabueze and Chief Mbazuluike Amechi.

“For this, we respectfully and unreservedly apologise to both elders and the leadership of ECA for how the ceremony came to an end.

“Regardless of who was involved, we are all indigenous persons from Biafra. So, we view and have always viewed our highly regarded elders like Prof. Ben Nwabueze and Chief Mbazuluike Amechi as our own.

” What transpired at the said gathering was not a protest against them or ECA, but an indication of the level of loathing, anger and resentment against everything Nigeria among right thinking indigenous persons from the East.

“It should not be forgotten that the said event was going smoothly but for the occasional boos that accompanied any mention of Nigeria.

“Chief Mbazuluike Amechi was cheered to the rafters after his speech, though this aspect has received little or no press coverage.

“What precipitated the collapse of the event was the announcement of an award for Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe, who is seen by all as the sole architect of the monstrous One Nigeria project that have brought untold shame, misery and consumed over three million Biafran lives and still doing so till today.”