OUK: The festering sore that has refused all cures

Orji Uzor Kalu must be mad! If he is not, then he needs
the urgent help of a combined team of psychologists
and psychiatrists, because there are obvious signs of
schizophrenia and paranoia. His title, ‘can evil triumph
over good’ is the most hyperbolic piece I have perused
recently and I am sure that I am not alone in this assault
on penmanship.
His endless diatribe on Chief T. A. Orji greatly reveal his
hatred and degree of bitterness. Well, not actually
diatribe as it is an onslaught embarked solely by him,
unprovoked and without any visible or real prompting
but for greed and low self-esteem. This is nothing short
of blackmail. Any who is in doubt should go through the
history books. No world leader, governor, not even
councilors have taken on their successors like OUK has
done in his ghostly authored columns called leadership
series in his Sun newspapers.
Who can cure OUK of his mania and phobia? Mania
induced by greed for money and phobia for being lone
and peerless. People I have come across hardly take
Kalu’s series serious since he is not known for brawn
and any degree of erudition to pen a paragraph, let alone
a full page. His gibberish rattles the ethos and
susceptibilities of stable and cognitive minds. I respect
Senator T A Orji for his refusal to join issues and be
dragged into the social quagmire of OUK that would
have made him to be tarred with the same brush with
the serially failed senate bidder. Well, the difference is
clear. The education, moral upbringing and vocation is a
telltale. Is it not said that silence is the best answer to a
It is more than eight years since Kalu exited from the
office of the gov that he stumbled on. Has he bothered
to ask himself why he has not been able to win any
other election since then? No doubt he passed through
the Abia Government House but did not allow the Abia
Government House to pass through him. Worldwide, the
position of governor is a training and grooming ground
in diplomacy, governance and leadership. A position that
citizens and subjects should emulate in etiquette and
good conduct. Presidents Clinton, George Bush jnr. of
United States of America all got the presidency of their
country after serving as governors just for the asking
and are today statesmen that their citizens and the
world look up to, but can we say that for OUK who is
always yapping like a street boy. What kalu is doing
presently is like fighting in the street. Of course he once
admitted that he is a street boy. People should grow up.
His governorship experience should have
exorcized the street-hood in him.
Who can save Kalu? Is he demented like King Saul of the
bible times who tried many times to kill David, his
successor? Why wouldn’t Kalu allow Senator Orji be,
after eight years of unwarranted denigration and
blackmail? One could see mounting phobia rippling into
a tsunami. Not searching too far, the stoppage from
freely dipping into the Abia till is one act he could not
rather forgive or give up. Not going too far again, the
evidence is there even for the blind to see. Kalu fell in
deep love with the Abia allocations. Come to think or
ask about it, who doesn’t know how rich Kalu was
before he assumed office. Good old Daily Times reported
how a Federal Court in Lagos ordered the few properties
he owned sold to pay back the debt he owed Dubic
breweries. Slok Air, Land and sea, his newspapers came
during his tenure as he was governor. A man highly
obsessed with wealth, he knew enough that the financial
instructions and audit queries would so much
hinder his unethical moves to misappropriate state fund,
little wonder he subjected his appointees to oaths in
shrines to see no evil and say no evil.
What is the matter with OUK? Could it be the withdrawn
degree from ABSU? Going down memory lane, Kalu ranks
to be the only person who got a degree in six months
study. He has made a place in the Guinness Book of
Records as a former governor whose degree was
withdrawn. Is this a good mentor or example for our
restless youth that can guarantee a good future? As gov,
he arm-twisted the Abia State University authorities,
thinking that the award is for life, but when they got
back their plunk, they exercised one of their rights as
every university worldwide reserve the right to award
and withdraw with good reasons. OUK and his cohorts
went berserk. All his publications came out with intense
fury. My sympathy went to some of the employees who
actually burnt the night oil for their certificates and were
forced by circumstance of retaining their jobs, had
nothing else to do but defend his immoral and shameful
case. Tufia-Kwa!
Who can cure Kalu and save him from himself as he
becomes grossly irredeemable on daily basses? Could it
be his unsuccessful senatorial bid which he continually
blames on Ochendo that is now making him so
rapacious? In his senatorial bid in 2011, he claimed to
have been stopped by four tanks and soldiers stationed
in front of his house which denied him the right to vote
but this pathological liar forgot that immediately after
voting in 2011, that he granted interviews to
newspapermen who published all that he said. This time
around, he went into surrogacy with the APGA chieftain
who brought soldiers and other henchmen yet the result
was the same. In 2011, he blamed Senator Orji for his
woes and said unprintable things against the winner,
late Senator Chukwumerije of blessed memory but he
was the first to run in condolence and coaxed his
children into a group photo, smiling from ear to ear. Did
he come to mourn or jeer?
How do we help OUK? We can still recall his frenzy and
hypes to join PDP.If the truth be told, OUK should have
been facing forgery charges and jailed for forging and
presenting fake papers to PDP which he publicly
displayed and published in his newspapers. He later
boasted of a PDP waiver granted to contest the 2015
election. That was another hoax, shamelessly he
contested in PPA and lost.
Now to his uninspiring leadership series of July, 4, 2015,
one could easily read OUK’s wily mind as none of his
claims can make the books.
Paragraph, 5 is nothing short of self mockery and the
height of hypocrisy. ‘Why is it that the political class
has continued to operate as if this country belongs to
them alone? Who carries himself more as a member of
the political class more than Kalu? In paragraph 13, he
rants again: ‘it pains me that the security agencies do
not take some of the things we write seriously.’ Would
the writings be taken seriously when they are blatant
lies? In paragraph 24, he accuses Senator Orji of
polarizing and impoverishing the people. Another
hypocrisy! Who polarized Abia more? Creating the
Abuja/home politicians and Abia Talibans?
Not asking more questions, it is all about Kalu not being
able to make the senate and Senator Orji made it.
Running through his 40-paragraph, fool page gamut is a
waste of time. His last line is nothing short of a joke.
‘We must pray as a people for God to banish from our
live, desperation, anger, bitterness, slander, blackmail,
licentiousness, greed and other evils......’ OUK sermon
Indeed! God is merciful otherwise mention of all these
evils that OUK is a champion of would have resulted in
what happened to Uzzah in Perez Uzzah, 2nd Samuel
chapter 6 verse 8. Kalu, please keep quiet!
Hilda I Ifegwu.