How T.A Orji Rigged Abia Elections Set To Rig Tribunal And Finally Killed My State

From where did he get the votes with which to win election into the senate when all he got at his polling booth during the national assembly election were two votes?

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I am sure many people, especially Abi­ans, are yet to come to grips with the full weight of the eight-year misrule of Governor Theodore Ahamefule Orji. For eight years he held Abia State and Abians to ransom and committed the worst financial heist ever witnessed in the annals of the Nigerian nation state. What some people termed as governance was just an open fraud. But the good news is that he is gradually reaping the fruit of his evil. Contrary to the popular maxim that the evil that men do lives after them the governor is already har­vesting the consequences of the evil he planted in the state.

It is an open secret that right from the very first day he was sworn in as governor he deliberately designed several ways, in collaboration with his wife and son, to milk the state dry. The first thing he did was to go borrowing. He took large sums of money as loans from commercial banks without any commensurate plans to pay back and with­out committing it into any useful ventures. It was the indiscriminate manner he was taking the loans that led to the initial conflict between us. In fact, I had approached him quietly to advise him to desist from taking loans anyhow from banks without any rea­sonable projects to commit the money into.
Initially, he lied that he did not take any loans from banks. But when confronted with facts and figures he buckled. Instead of showing remorse and retrace his steps he chose to declare war against me. Why has he refused to tell the world what he felt was the cause of the rift between us outside the reasons I had adduced in this column.

I have consistently written in this column all I know about my relationship with Chief T.A. Orji – before, during and after my ten­ure as governor. Some people may wonder why I have never ceased to use any avail­able opportunity to tell the world that the man is evil. I have done so consistently to alert the public so they would not be hood­winked into his treachery and folly.

For the 8 years he served as my chief of staff he pretended to be a good man, hid­ing his notoriety, which was why I did not believe many of the stories told me about him by those that knew him very well. For instance, somebody very close to him in the civil service told me how he cheated him in a deal they had together. Up till today he has refused to square up to the man despite the fact that the man had made several efforts to see him. The closest the man came to him was when they met at Okpara Auditorium, Umuahia at the swearing-in of new com­missioners in 2009. The governor shunned him, leaving the man distraught.
There are many others who have fallen victim of his folly and deceit. There is no gainsaying the fact that I have suffered dif­ferent kinds of deceit in the hands of this man. Up till this moment he has refused to account for some of the security votes, which he controlled for 8 years. Why he chose to keep the money to himself is what I cannot fathom.

I simply see the man as evil. And that is who he is. How else can you describe a man who has left the people who voted him into office more impoverished than they were before his coming? Visit Abia State, espe­cially Aba, and witness firsthand the despo­liation and mass looting that had been the order of the day in the state since Chief T.A. Orji became governor.

The worst part is that he is totally incorri­gible and has vowed to die in his sins. Go to any nook or cranny of Abia State and what you see will leave you speechless. The level of dilapidation of infrastructure, biting pov­erty, general underdevelopment and retro­gression is mindboggling. In short nothing is working.
Instead of settling down to work for the people the governor spends the greater part of each month in Abuja where he goes to peddle rumour, and gossip about innocent people. He has found listening ears in the first family and tells them all kinds of lies in order to curry favour and discredit me before them.

I wonder who between the governor and me has sincerely worked for our state. How much has he received in the eight years he has been in power, which runs close to one trillion naira? Compare it to what we col­lected for the eight years I was governor, which totaled N108 billion. I have called for audit of our accounts by the best audit firms in the world, which bill I am ready to pick. I gave the challenge to him since last year and up till date he is yet to utter a word concerning it. Rather what he has done is to find ways to continually evade questions about it.

Tell me: how long will he run away from the truth? He has done everything possible to destroy the truth and cover his tracks. Each time he tried, he met brick walls. One problem with him is that he has an insatia­ble propensity to expropriate public funds for personal use. It is common knowledge that he and members of his family have bought up all existing choice properties in the City of Umuahia. They have extended their acquisitive tendency to Lagos, Abuja, Port Harcourt and Enugu.
His personal residence in Umuahia, as I wrote recently in this column, is worth over N5billion. Construction of the fortress-like edifices has taken over 10 years and have not yet been completed. When then will he complete the structures in the large expanse of land built across three streets, which were closed down to accommodate them?
Chief Orji has kept acquiring wealth when some categories of workers and pen­sioners have not been paid for upwards of eight months. Where has all the money gone?
Abians are groaning under the weight of corruption that has eaten deep into the heart of the state. Resources are frittered away with reckless abandon, while the people suffer want and deprivation.
To underscore how wicked the man is: he has deliberately refused to pay contrac­tors that successfully completed their jobs for the state government. The consequence is that most of them have been selling their houses to pay banks loans they took from them to execute the projects. Man’s inhu­manity to man!
The last election was an opportunity for the people to pay the man back in his coins. Rather than allow free, fair and cred­ible elections he rigged his way all through. From where did he get the votes with which to win election into the senate when all he got at his polling booth during the national assembly election were two votes?
Everybody in Abia State, including se­curity agents would tell you that the man lost abysmally. From Ikwuano to Umuahia, Isiala Ngwa to Osisioma he fell like a pack of cards. Using the huge financial resources available to him he manipulated his way to the detriment of the wishes of the people. It was the same thing that was done by his notorious son to rig his way into the state House of Assembly.
What Chief Orji probably has forgotten is that the evil that men do live with them. He has started reaping the consequences of the evil he sowed across the state. All his current braggadocio is a vain way of trying to cover his frustration. Last Sunday he and members of his family held a thanksgiving service in Umuahia. Oh my God, this man has no shame! What did he thank God for? Was it for stealing the mandate of another man to go to the senate? Or for all the evil deeds he committed in the past eight years? Or for the hardship he inflicted on the hap­less people of God’s Own State? Why?
There is no doubt whatsoever that all he had planned to accomplish with the 2015 elections had fallen through. For instance, he had planned to make his son speaker of the State House of Assembly in order to use it to dictate the politics of the state. In fact, the earlier plot was to secure the majority of the seats in the House with members loyal to them to enable them impeach the incom­ing governor and install the son as gover­nor. But that plot has since collapsed as PDP and APGA have 12 members each in the 24-member House.
The speakership project has hit the rocks too as the boy is expected to be a guest of the Economic and Financial Crimes Com­mission (EFCC) soon. Already he has been invited for questioning over some financial sleazes involving him.
Who says God is not on the throne? Who says that evil has no expiry date? It is fool­hardy for anybody to think they can mock God. Nobody can. I believe that whatever a man sows, he shall reap. Chief Orji has mindlessly looted the resources of Abia State and committed other heinous crimes for which the full weight of the law should be brought upon him, but for the immunity he currently enjoys.
How T.A Orji Rigged Abia Elections Set To Rig Tribunal And Finally Killed My State
Thirteen days from today the governance engine of Gov. Orji will stop revving. He will be confronted with the reality of his de­vious actions. He has vowed never to make Abians enjoy the beauty of democracy. It is the same way that God will chastise him.
I do not envy him in any way. And the reason is simple: he has allowed his inor­dinate ambition and greed to becloud his sense of reasoning to the extent that he could square up in a wrestling match with his ‘Chi’ (God). What impudence! The trou­ble that awaits him is better imagined than seen. His cup is full and the law of retribu­tive justice is about to take its course.
Apart from the laws, which will eventu­ally catch up with him, how does he plan to face his people whom he treated like trash? There is nothing in his birthplace, Ibeku, to show that a governor came from that part of Abia State. Instead he persecuted his people and treated them like rag. In return they voted massively against him. He had to ma­nipulate the results by compelling INEC to announce him as the winner of Abia Central Senatorial election.

There is nobody in Abia State today that does not know that T.A. Orji is despised by the people. They hate him with rabidity. The only thing that can restore their confidence in the electoral system is to have all the re­sults written in favour of T.A. Orji and his son reversed by the tribunal.
The dream of the governor is to control every structure in Abia State and single handed enthrone his acolytes to sensitive elective positions. He did not consult any­body in all the appointments he made, be­cause he has succeeded in buying over their conscience with money. Interested persons have always asked if Abia State does not have elders who could call the garrulous governor to order. Certainly we have promi­nent elders who had held important elective and appointive offices, but some of them out of sheer greed and selfishness have sold their conscience for a mess of portage.

Some of these elders now follow the gov­ernor about and play subservient roles in his administration. They do not have shame any longer, and can do anything just to make money and remain relevant. Despite the fact that they sing the governor’s praise and dance to his tune, the governor still sees them as parasites and hagiographers who should be demeaned and denigrated. He does not have an atom of respect for any of them. You will shudder how he talks down on them, yet they do not have plans to save their face.
Governor T.A Orji sowed disrespect, ha­tred, anarchy and stealing from the tilt as an ideology. He will be treated in the same way in no time. All those he maltreated, humili­ated and despised will pay him back in his own coin when the time is due.

I know a number of persons the governor has sent to their early graves due to non-payment of their dues. Among them were contractors, pensioners, civil servants and, even, politicians. The case of contractors is particularly pitiful. There was this contrac­tor that has been owed for 5 years. He bor­rowed money from a bank to satisfactorily execute a road project for the government. He was forced to sell his house to offset the loan.
To worsen matters the governor had promised on over 10 occasions to pay the contractor to no avail. How would the gov­ernor want God to judge him at the end of his life on earth? Or does he think he is go­ing to live forever?
The way T.A. Orji squanders money is a portrayal of the kind of person he is. He throws money about as if he mints it. Is it not the people’s money that he recklessly spends on useless adventures? How does he think God will not discover his sin and condemn it?
The undeniable truth is that the governor has the long arm of the law to contend with, the people he misruled to face, and the law of karma to deal with soon. He might think that, after all, nobody is watching – I can do as I like. But God is watching.
The 8 years of the reign of Chief Orji were years eaten by locusts. It would have been better for Abians to stay without gov­ernor than to have the type of Chief Orji preside over their affairs. In these 8 years the people gnashed their teeth and cried to God daily for redemption. Who will bell the cat, they ask?
Much as I wish the man could change from his evil ways and embrace God, I think he is not ready to repent. It is likely he will continue to swim in his sins until it becomes too late to do something about it. For the wise, this is the right time to seek forgive­ness from the people he has offended one way or another.
It is not the wish of God that any sinner should die in his sin. It is rather His will that all of us should repent and be saved.

For all I know the political dynasty of the Orji is beginning to crack and with time it will widen and collapse. The only thing that may save him is to return the money he loot­ed to the state coffers and plead ‘allocutus’.
If he fails to do so now, then the fate that awaits him will be very grave.